Steven Levinson
The grandson and great-grand son of professional photographers, Steve has had a lifetime focus on photography, starting as a child and doing serious B&W Darkroom photography in college. His focus can be summed up by the following quotation:“There is no such thing as reality. There is only perception.” Flaubert
Steve’s photographic images are in several areas: non-iconic travel photography, graphic imagery and theatre photography. His current work is employing composites to combine several images to produce a photography which is greater than the sum of the parts and provides an alternate reality to the viewer.
He is represented in collections in the United States and Europe as well as being published in two national magazines. In addition his work has appeared frequently in the local press as the principal photographer for the JCC Center Stage Theatre as well as being a past photographer for GEVA Theater.
His web site is

Shelved- Rochester Rochester ©2017

Floating- Dominican Republic ©2016