Ludmila Begley
The overarching common goal and mission that I am always striving to achieve with any medium I work with, be it ink or words, is to tell a story. I see stories. I notice stories. I think stories. I feel stories. And I tell them. With ink. With words. Because stories need to be told. They all have a human heart at their core.
Depending on the medium, my approach to the style of storytelling might subtly vary, but ultimately, I carry out the same principles and core mission with both my visual and verbal work.
Through means of traditional forms of poetry and, at times, poetry in prose I seek to address and create awareness of several topics and issues, of both personal and universal nature. Some (but not limited to) of most resonating, and thus reoccurring, themes for my poetry are cultural/social displacement, cultural and ethnic identity issues, immigrant alienation, woman’s internalization, struggle with toxic relationships (parental and intimate), shapes that childhoods take. I also address various social issues in a format of ‘observed’ short stories condensed into poem-form – communicating social through personal, using a protagonist as a metaphor for larger social clusters.
My graphic work addresses stories, issues and conditions via metaphor, allegory, and tale-telling. It is aimed at allowing the audience to feel the work, rather than understand it, and perceive its message through introspection, intuition, and personal interpretation.
There is usually an underlying intellectual/cultural reference component to each of my graphic works, for I tend to allude to and weave in a multitude of symbology, lore, spiritual and cultural traditions, and reference to other significant creations (and creators) of the past if they help with the delivery of the principal mood/idea/essence of the piece. Yet in the end my purpose is for each piece to be received and absorbed intuitively, felt through and responded to internally in an individual manner, prior to it being dissected analytically.
Self-portraiture plays a huge role in my art, for I believe the more personal the story, the sentiment, the experience is, the more universally relatable it becomes. Thus, in quite a number of my graphic pieces I use myself as a model/reference, which allows me not only to better understand and learn my own self, yet the human nature overall.

As I Walk Around The Sun Maiden, Mother, Crone

Play The Part
